Me Time With The Kids

When I was a young mom, I was desperate for me time. I love my children and I love that I got to be at home with them, but I was not fulfilled as a mom.

I wanted more.  

I didn’t know it then and I didn’t understand the feelings that I was going through. I realized that dreams are so important! Me time is important. To me they are one and the same and you can’t dream unless you have that Me Time.

 Me time is like that song, The Little Tea Pot. Fill me in, pour me out. You can’t keep pouring out. You can’t… unless you fill up. You need to find ways to fill yourself up again.

I tried to do it! I tried to keep pouring out without Me Time, without taking care of myself… it didn’t work. I had major health challenges and it took a long time for me to get out of it – because I wasn’t taking care of myself.

I don’t want you to go through that. I don’t want your kids to see you go through that. When I look back at that time, I realize there WERE things that I did to find some Me Time. They were not enough but it was a start. 

 Let’s talk about some baby steps for you to start having Me Time, even when the kids are around. When my kids were little, I felt selfish for taking Me Time. That thinking was inappropriate. We need it! We need to find things that fill us up.

We need to find ways as moms, to take care of ourselves while we are taking care of the kids. We have to take care of us, to keep pouring out. Why don’t you join me by watching this video and I will show you some ways I found to squeeze in some Me Time, while my kids were around.


I also want you join me in my Facebook community in support of moms.

Come hang out with us as we love on each other. Have a very blessed day!


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